Entries by David Maiolo


Print Publications

The Atlantic Magazine As one of the lead photographers and correspondents covering a college graduation in New York state, I had the privilege of capturing a poignant moment that ended up being featured in The Atlantic’s April 2016 issue. Mikhail Zinshteyn, a contributing writer for The Atlantic and a program manager at the Education Writers […]

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UniversityLite Overview

UniversityLite Design Overview I developed UniversityLite as a rapid deployment e-commerce tool to market university products and information to university students over the web using PHP. In other words, UniversityLite creates, deploys and maintains university websites automatically using custom PHP function. As of 2016, this tool has generated and maintains over 7.000 websites with each […]

Load Balancing

UniversityLite, an e-commerce rapid deployment tool I developed in 2016, is load balanced across three Ubuntu 14.04 LTS virtual servers located in New York, NY with one backup server in Webster, NY. The three primary servers are balanced alphabetically by university name. There are 7,000 websites available as subdomains off of the universitylite.com domain (such […]

Residential Remodeling Project

I undertook a project to upgrade the basement of my home in New York. The plans and designs I created were comprehensive and detail-oriented, incorporating both material purchasing requirements and final build specifications. The design documentation I produced showcases my in-depth knowledge of building design and construction. It includes detailed floor plans, elevations, and specifications […]

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Network Image Deployment System

I have created a new system for deploying Microsoft operating systems called Network Image Deployment (NID). NID is a centralized deployment system that captures, maintains, and deploys computer images in corporate or educational environments, with hardware independence natively supported. The system is designed to reduce the costs associated with traditional deployment platforms, and can be […]

Parallax and Bokeh Renderings

I have rewritten a project that involves adding depth to “flat photos” to create the look of background blur or “bokeh.” With this new implementation, I used AngularJS to build the user interface, allowing for a more streamlined and responsive user experience. The project is inspired by the concept of Magic Eye images, which use […]

Magic Eye Image Generator: Exploring 3D Visualization with SIRDS

This project involves using an algorithm to generate “Magic Eye” images from grayscale depth-mappings of photographs. These images are also known as Single Image Random Dot Stereograms (SIRDS) and were popularized by the Magic Eye books in the 1990s. To create these Magic Eye images, the original algorithm required significant computational resources that made the […]

MyCollegeExchange Website

MyCollegeExchange is the project that eventually inspired me to develop UniversityLite, a rapid deployment e-commerce tool to market university products and information to university students over the web using PHP and other tools. UniversityLite has it’s own section dedicated on the homepage for more information. Getting back to MyCollegeExchange. Sometimes you just want to build […]

The United States

Although I was a professional photographer for a number of years, I couldn’t help from traveling somewhere just for fun and snapping some photos. Here are some samples from The United States.