Entries by David Maiolo

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Certificate Distribution – Deploying Software Inventory Logger

Overview I developed this tool to help you deploy Software Inventory Logger Servers. Software Inventory Logger collects Microsoft software inventory data on a per server basis and reports them to a central Software Inventory Aggregator. This utility can be deployed through SCCM and will setup a Software Inventory Logger Server. Because s Software Inventory Logger […]

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SCCM Script: WUA Policy Error Fix

Overview I developed this tool, Fix-DMGSCCMWUAPolicy.ps1,to help you mitigate WUA Policy issues that result in error 0x80004005 on the client-side WUAHandler.log file. This tool will attempt to resolve those issues. Troubleshooting Error 0x80004005 When you deploy software updates, you add the updates to a SUG and then deploy the SUG to your clients. When you […]

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SCCM Script: Fix State Messages

Overview I developed this tool, Fix-DMGSCCMStateMessage.ps1, to assit in troubleshooting SCCM “In Progress” and State Message Communication issues. If the UpdateStore.log shows that a particular windows update component is installed, but it is still in progress in the SCCM console, the State Message is likely not communicating properly to the SQL server. State messaging is […]

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SCCM Script: Fix Software Update Store

Overview I developed this tool, Fix-DGMSCCMUpdateStore.ps1, to assist in fixing Windows UpdateStore Corruption (Datastore.edb) on SCCM Client Computers. On the SCCM client machine, the Windows UpdateStore Datastore.edb in Windows\Software Distribution\.. contains scan results. Over time, this may become corrupted which can stop updating from occurring on the client machine. Additionally, an error might be seen […]

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Windows Management Framework 5.1 Deployment

Overview This upgrade strategy will allow you to update your Server environment to the version of Windows Management 5.1 via SCCM. Use this recommended project management guide to help build your deployment workflow. I used this method to upgrade a 400+ server environment which completed smoothly. Purpose The purpose of this Deployment Strategy and Plan […]


SCCM Overview

Overview I created this article to provide an overview of some of the most popular SCCM current, and upcoming components. SCCM Sites and Scaling The key driver of the type and count of sites that you use in a hierarchy is usually the number and type of devices you must support. “500 users is not […]


SCCM / WSUS Software Update Best Practices

Overview This article contains a recommended set of procedures and schedules you can follow in your environment to obtain great WSUS compliance within SCCM. I developed these best practices and helped a client implement them to improve their compliance. Schedule I recommend that you create a schedule in your environment to check/complete the following WSUS […]

Advanced Smartphone Projects: Leveraging Android Application Development for Innovative Solutions

With over five hundred smartphones in my collection, I have completed hundreds of projects centered around Android, Windows Mobile, and iOS, utilizing technologies such as Kotlin and Java for Android application development. Before smartphones became widespread, I worked on numerous projects involving flip phones, PDAs, etc. Each phone in my collection is part of a […]