Entries by David Maiolo

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SCCM: Magic Offline Imaging Jumpdrive

Overview This is a “Magic Offline Imaging Jumpdrive” I put together that can be used for OEM imaging or offline imaging where you still need to join PC’s to the domain but don’t have access to the network when the computer is being imaged. The idea is this “Magic Jumpdrive” would allow a trusted party […]

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SCCM: Spectre / Meltdown Detection

Overview Contained in this article are the tools to help you detect and remediate the Spectre and Meltdown security vulnerabilities. This remediation is accomplished via the following SCCM configuration items which I specifically developed for this purpose. Contained in these configuration items are several PowerShell scripts and return values for the configuration items, and may […]

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SCCM: Automate Deployment of Required Updates

Overview This process will allow you to automate deployment of required WSUS updates in your SCCM environment that were missed by your Software Update ADR. A built in SCCM SQL report can indicate which WSUS software updates are required, but not deployed in an environment. Utilizing my two other functions, HTML Email Report and SCCM […]

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SCCM: New Deployments! Automated Report

Overview I created this script, Get-DMGSCCMNewDeployments, to allow you to send out an email report of new SCCM deployments in your environment. This script uses native SCCM methods to build an automated report that sends an easy to read “what was deployed this week” report out to SCCM administrators. Methodology The report is compiled one […]

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Certificate Template: Determining Compliance

Overview At times it is important to determine if a client machine has a certain certificate installed from a certificate template. I developed this script, Get-DMGCertificateTemplateExistance, to to detect if a certificate was created from a particular template name. It could be run stand-alone or is also deployable as an SCCM configuration item/baseline and will […]

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SCCM Script: Fix Kerberos Authentication Errors

Overview At times, SCCM client machines may lose the ability to communicate properly with the SCCM site server due to Kerberos authentication errors. You will see these errors in Deployment Statuses or other times invoking PowerShell scripts on remote clients. This script attempts to invoke a generic script remotely on an imported set of SCCM […]

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Integrating LAPS with Citrix VDI

Overview The Local Administrator Password Solution is a great tool to help you manage local passwords on your corporate network. However, due to the non-persistant nature of some environments, such as Citrix VDI, it can become a security vulnerability as the local password will always be set back the original password set when the VDI […]

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Threadable Pinging Functions

Overview I developed this tool, Get-DMGThreadedPingableComputers.ps1, to allow you to ping several computers in your environment at once though multiple threads, severely decreasing the amount of time required to return ping results on a large set of computers. What’s neat about it is you can easily get ping results on hundreds of computers in just […]