Entries by David Maiolo


FireEye HX Rollout Compliance with Deployment Strategy

Overview I developed this tool, Run-DGMFireEyeHXCompliance.psm1, to test and confirm a FireEye Endpoint Security (HX) rollout in a corporate environment. Additionally, at the end of this document I have provided you with a FireEye HX Deployment Strategy approach for your corporate environment. For some background, FireEye Endpoint Security (HX) is an Endpoint Forensics product provided […]


Group Policy Overview

This tutorial will introduce you to Group Policy, a tool that allows you to centrally manage and apply user and computer settings and restrictions to maintain a consistent computer environment. Group Policy is made up of Group Policy Objects that arrange registry settings in a meaningful way, and can be managed using the Group Policy […]


Windows 10 – Servicing Model and Deployment

Windows 10 Servicing Model With Windows 10, a new model was introduced called “Windows as a service – WAAS”. Rather than new features being added only in new OS/every few years, WAAS will continually provide new capabilities. The Semi-Annual Channel is a twice-per-year feature update release targeting around March and September, with 18-month servicing timelines […]


SCCM Troubleshooting

Overview This article is meant to provide you an overview of common troubleshooting tasks centered around client health and upcoming SCCM components. I created several custom tools and scripts to aid in the detection and remediation of several SCCM related troubleshooting tasks. Snippets of those scripts are provided throughout. A Microsoft PFE assisted me in […]


Active Directory: Troubleshooting & Overview

This tutorial provides an overview of Active Directory (AD), which is a collection of services used to manage identity and access for and to resources on a network. The tutorial describes various AD services, such as Domain Services, Lightweight Directory Services, Certificate Services, Federation Services, Rights Management Services, and Flexible Single-Master Operations (FSMO) Roles, including […]


New Features in SCCM

What’s New in SCCM This guide is meant to summarize the latest features you can expect in the SCCM 1702, 1706 and 1710. Most of the information from these features was obtained by summarizing the information contained in Microsoft’s SCCM documentation. (What’s new in version 1710 of System Center Configuration Manager, What’s new in version […]

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Intune Management Tool

Overview I created this application, Microsoft Intune Management Tool, to allow you to easily View the Microsoft Graph return content behind the settings applied and configured within your Intune tenant. Additionally, it has the ability to Backup your entire tenant (as JSON content data), creating special database files of the settings and where they were […]

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Threaded Computer Details Aggregator

Overview I created this application, Threaded Computer Details, to allow you to have a single point of data aggregation for common SCCM, DHCP and Active Directory metrics on the computers in your environment, and wrap those metrics around a convenient program with search options. You can either search initially by computer name, or if User-Device […]