Entries by David Maiolo


Google Cloud High Availability

GCP has a rather robust and highly available architecture (24 regions and 73 availability zones) as it is. Compute Engine implements an abstraction layer between the availability zones and physical clusters of machines within the data centers where each cluster of physical machines has its own independent software, power, cooling, network and security infrastructure, as […]


Large-Scale Data Center Migration with Google Cloud: Migration Factory

We will look at the creation of a Migration Factory – a scaled team (often offshore or outsourced) that drives large-scale migration of enterprise applications to the cloud. Google Cloud has a four-stage approach to Migration, Discover/Assess, Plan, Migrate and Optimize, and the Migration Factory is designed to help execute the Migrate stage. We also […]


Migrating Enterprise Workloads to Google Cloud Platform

Migrating a workload from your legacy on-premises environment to a cloud-native environment, such as a public cloud, can be challenging and risky. Successful migrations change the workload to migrate as little as possible during the migration operations. Moving legacy on-premises apps to the cloud often requires multiple migration steps There are three major types of […]


CI/CD Pipeline for Automated Deployments in Google Cloud

CI/CD is the combined practices of continuous integration (CI) and either continuous and continuous deployment (CD). CI/CD is designed to bridge the gap between development and operation activities and teams by enforcing automation in building, testing and deployment of applications. Modern day DevOps practices involve continuous development, continuous testing, continuous integration, continuous deployment and continuous […]


The Google Cloud Adoption Framework

Leveraging leadership and people management best practices like re:Work, Site Reliability Engineering and BeyondCorp, Google developed a framework for adopting the cloud, know as The Google Cloud Adoption Framework. This framework works with people, processes and technology, allowing you to see where you are now in your cloud adoption journey, and get your where you […]


Google Anthos

Anthos is a fully managed hybrid cloud platform that enables you to run Kubernetes clusters in the cloud and on-premises environments. As an open cloud computing platform that works well with multi-cloud environments, it works across public clouds such as Microsoft Azure and AWS. In other words, as you work to containerize and modernize your […]


Google Cloud Deployment Manager

Let’s look at the Cloud Deployment Manager, an infrastructure automation tool from Google Cloud, Google’s Infrastructure as Code (IaC) offering, that automates the creation and management of Google Cloud resources. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the managing and provisioning of infrastructure through code instead of through manual processes like provision virtual machine instances in the […]