Entries by David Maiolo

Choreography and Composition: Crafting Dance Through Creativity and Storytelling

As someone who has always been captivated by the expressive world of dance, I find the art of choreography particularly enthralling. It’s a realm where creativity and storytelling coalesce, transforming movement into a language of its own. This article, “Choreography and Composition: Crafting Dance Through Creativity and Storytelling,” aims to unravel this intricate art form, […]

Project Q (Qualia): Pioneering Human-like Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence

In the dynamic landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), OpenAI’s Project Q (Qualia) emerges as a groundbreaking initiative, representing a significant leap towards artificial general intelligence (AGI). The project’s name, Qualia, an acronym for “Quantitative Understanding and Learning In Artificial-intelligence,” encapsulates its core objective: to develop an AI system that not only mimics human reasoning but […]