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Threadable Pinging Functions


I developed this tool, Get-DMGThreadedPingableComputers.ps1, to allow you to ping several computers in your environment at once though multiple threads, severely decreasing the amount of time required to return ping results on a large set of computers. What’s neat about it is you can easily get ping results on hundreds of computers in just seconds.

How To Use This Tool

You can either search directly for computers within the script, pass some computers through on the pipeline or import a .CSV file. You can also export results to a .CSV file.

Pass a list of computers and export results to CSV:

  Get-ADComputer -filter {name -like "*sql*"} | Get-DGMThreadedPingableComputers -csvoutput "C:\Scripts\Get-DGMThreadedPingableComputer\Get-DGMThreadedPingableComputer-output.csv" 

Pass a list of computers (with example output):

  Get-ADComputer -filter {name -like "*DGM06123*"} -Properties Description,OperatingSystem | Get-DGMThreadedPingableComputers 

No Arguments triggers searching for computers within the script (with example output):


PowerShell Script: Get-DMGThreadedPingableComputers.ps1

   Threads and threads
   The tool, Get-DMGThreadedPingableComputers.ps1  was written by David Maiolo.
   Get-DMGThreadedPingableComputers -CSVFile laps_computers_import.csv

function Where-ParallelObject {
        [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $input,
        [ScriptBlock] $Filter,
        [int] $threads,
        [switch] $progressBar,
        [String] $progressBartext

    $inputQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::Synchronized( (New-Object System.Collections.Queue) )
    $results = [System.Collections.Queue]::Synchronized( (New-Object System.Collections.Queue) )

    $sessionstate = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault()
        (New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry('inputQueue', $inputQueue, $null))
        (New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry('results', $results, $null))

    $runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $threads, $sessionstate, $Host)

    foreach ($object in $input) {

    $jobs = @()

    $sbpre = '
        while($inputQueue.Count -gt 0) {
            $_ = $inputQueue.Dequeue();
    $sbpost = ') 

    $sb = [ScriptBlock]::Create($sbpre + $Filter.toString() + $sbpost)

    1..$threads | % {
        $job = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($sb)
        $job.RunspacePool = $runspacepool
        $jobs += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Job = $job
            Result = $job.BeginInvoke()

    do {
            Write-Progress -Activity ($progressBartext+" " +$input.Count+ " Objects") -status ("" + $($results.Count) + " complete.") -percentComplete ( ($results.Count) / $input.Count * 100) 
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    } while ( $jobs.Result.IsCompleted -contains $false)

    foreach ($job in $jobs) {

    return $results.ToArray()


function LogIt
  param (
  $type )

  switch ($type)
    1 { $type = "Info" }
    2 { $type = "Warning" }
    3 { $type = "Error" }
    4 { $type = "Verbose" }

  if (($type -eq "Verbose") -and ($Global:Verbose))
    $toLog = "{0} `$$<{1}><{2} {3}>" -f ($type + ":" + $message), ($Global:ScriptName + ":" + $component), (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"), (Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.ffffff"), $pid
    $toLog | Out-File -Append -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath ("filesystem::{0}" -f $Global:LogFile)
    Write-Host $message
  elseif ($type -ne "Verbose")
    $toLog = "{0} `$$<{1}><{2} {3}>" -f ($type + ":" + $message), ($Global:ScriptName + ":" + $component), (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"), (Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.ffffff"), $pid
    $toLog | Out-File -Append -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath ("filesystem::{0}" -f $Global:LogFile)
    if ($type -eq 'Info') { Write-Host $message }
    if ($type -eq 'Warning') { Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Yellow}
    if ($type -eq 'Error') { Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Red}

  if (($type -eq 'Warning') -and ($Global:ScriptStatus -ne 'Error')) { $Global:ScriptStatus = $type }
  if ($type -eq 'Error') { $Global:ScriptStatus = $type }

  if ((Get-Item $Global:LogFile).Length/1KB -gt $Global:MaxLogSizeInKB)
    $log = $Global:LogFile
    Remove-Item ($log.Replace(".log", ".lo_"))
    Rename-Item $Global:LogFile ($log.Replace(".log", ".lo_")) -Force

function GetScriptDirectory
  $invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
  Split-Path $invocation.MyCommand.Path

function Get-DMGThreadedPingableComputers {

        [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $input,
        [ValidateScript({(Test-Path $_)})]
        [String] $csvinput,
        [ValidateScript({($_ -le 100 -and $_ -gt 0)})]
        [int] $threads=100,
        [String] $csvoutput

        $path = (get-item -Path .).FullName

        Write-Host "==========================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "Ping Computers in Threads " -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "v0.1 (2017-12-28) by dmaiolo" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "Threading function by jreal" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "==========================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        LogIt -message ("Starting Logging for $Global:ScriptName") -component "Main()" -type 1

        #Check for what arguments were passed
        if([bool]($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Keys -match 'csvinput')){
            Write-Host "Importing $csvinput..."
            $csvimport = import-csv $csvinput
            $csvimport | foreach-object {$arraytoping += $_.name; Write-Host "Importing $_.name ..."}       
        elseif([bool]($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Keys -match 'input')){
            Write-Host "Importing from pipeline..."
            foreach ($object in $input) {
                $arraytoping += $object
            Write-Host "Manual Input Selected."
            $arraytoping = Get-DMGSearchQueryComputers
        if([bool]($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Keys -match 'csvoutput')){
            $csvoutputcheck = $true

        #Ping the computers
        $pingablecomputers = Get-DMGOnlineComputers -ComputerList $arraytoping -Threads $threads

        #Create Pingable Table
        if ($pingablecomputers){
            Write-Host ========================================== -ForegroundColor Cyan
            Write-Host Pingable Computers -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host ========================================== -ForegroundColor Cyan
            $pingablecomputers | Select Name,Description,OperatingSystem | Format-Table -AutoSize
            Write-Host "No Pingable Computers Were Found."

        #Create Non-Pingable Array
        $nonpingablecomputers = $arraytoping | where {$pingablecomputers -notcontains $_}   

        #Create Non-Pingable Table
        if ($nonpingablecomputers){
            Write-Host ========================================== -ForegroundColor Cyan
            Write-Host Non Pingable Computers -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host ========================================== -ForegroundColor Cyan
            $nonpingablecomputers | Select Name,Description,OperatingSystem | Format-Table -AutoSize
            Write-Host "No Non-Pingable Computers Were Found."

        #Export to CSV if chosen
        if ($csvoutputcheck){
            Write-Host ========================================== -ForegroundColor Cyan
            Write-Host CSV Output Results -ForegroundColor Cyan
            Write-Host ========================================== -ForegroundColor Cyan
            #Build the array
            $results = @()
            $pingablecomputers | select Name,Description,OperatingSystem,@{Name='Pingable';Expression={"True"}}  | %{$results += $_ }
            $nonpingablecomputers | select Name,Description,OperatingSystem,@{Name='Pingable';Expression={"False"}} | %{$results += $_ }

            New-DMGCSVOut -csvoutputpath $csvoutput -arrayforoutput $results 

        Write-Host ========================================== -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "Log File of Results Generated" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host ========================================== -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "Log File`: $Global:LogFile VIEW WITH CMTRACE.EXE"
        LogIt -message ("Ending Logging for $Global:ScriptName") -component "Main()" -type 1


function Get-DMGSearchQueryComputers
    Write-Host "[1] Search by whole or partial computer name"
    Write-Host "[2] Search by description"
    Write-Host "[3] Search by Operating System"
    do {
        try {$numOk = $true; [int]$GetMyANumber = Read-host "Selection"}
        catch {$numOK = $false}}
    until (($GetMyANumber -ge 1 -and $GetMyANumber -le 3) -and $numOK)

    $validcharacters = "^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+$"
    do {
        try {$stringOk = $true; [string]$query = Read-host "Enter search query (only letters and numbers)"}
        catch {$stringOk = $false}}
    until (($query -match $validcharacters) -and $stringOk)
    $query = "*"+$query
    $query = $query+"*"

    switch ($GetMyANumber) 
            1 {$computers = Get-ADComputer -Properties Description,OperatingSystem -filter {name -like $query}} 
            2 {$computers = Get-ADComputer -Properties Description,OperatingSystem -filter {description -like $query}} 
            3 {$computers = Get-ADComputer -Properties Description,OperatingSystem -filter {OperatingSystem -like $query}}

    return $computers

function Get-DMGOnlineComputers{

        [int] $threads,
        [Array] $ComputerList
    Write-Host ========================================== -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host Pinging Computers and Building Table -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host ========================================== -ForegroundColor Cyan
    $computers = @()

    if ($ComputerList.Length -gt 0){
        Write-Host "Pinging"($ComputerList.length)"computers in $threads threads."
        $computers = $ComputerList | Where-ParallelObject -Filter {Test-Connection -ComputerName $_.Name -Quiet -Count 1} -Threads $threads -ProgressBar -progressBartext "Pinging"
        <#$computers | foreach-object {
            LogIt -message ("ICMP Response Succesful`: " +($_.Name).ToString() +" - "+($_.Description).ToString()) -component "Main()" -type 1
        return $computers
        Write-Host "No Computers were found."
        return $false

function New-DMGCSVOut{

            [String] $csvoutputpath,
            [array] $arrayforoutput

        $arrayforoutput | export-csv $csvoutputpath -notypeinformation
        LogIt -message ("CSV Export`: CSV Created at $csvoutputpath") -component "Main()" -type 1
        LogIt -message ("CSV Export`: CSV Could NOT be Created at $csvoutputpath") -component "Main()" -type 3


$VerboseLogging = "true"
[bool]$Global:Verbose = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($VerboseLogging)
$Global:LogFile = Join-Path (GetScriptDirectory) "'Get-DMGThreadedPingableComputer.log"
$Global:MaxLogSizeInKB = 10240
$Global:ScriptName = 'Get-DMGThreadedPingableComputer.ps1' 
$Global:ScriptStatus = 'Success'
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